PT. San (Sada Arih Namorika)

PT SAN (Sada Arih Namorika) is a company located in central Jakarta, which was established on 17 December 17Th 2013 and active in supply for the marine demand, the equipments of oil industries, gas, power plan, petrochemical and other manufacturing industries. PT SAN (Sada Arih Namorika) established from a desire to provide the high quality in sales service, by always maintaining good relationship to all our client principal. This is our way in running Supply Industries Service. We would love every opportunity that make us become part of your business. PT SAN (Sada Arih Namorika) available the kindness to assist the solution in the field of valve problems. You will receive the outstanding service and the highest quality, best price structure, well guaranted delivery and also ready to respond of service in all complaining customer

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Distributor Valve

Valve adalah sebuah perangkat switch mekanik yang memiliki fungsi untuk menaikkan, menurunkan dan menghentikan suatu laju aliran pada sebuah pipa. Namun seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, valve bisa diatur secara automatic melalui PLC atau controller lainnya. Ada banyak jenis valve, diantaranya Ball Valve, Gate Valve, Butterfly Valve, Control Valve, Check Valve, Globe Valve, Safety Valve, dll. PT San (Sada Arih Namorika) merupakan distributor valve terlengkap dan terkemuka di Jakarta. Produk yang kami jual memiliki kualitas bagus dan harga yang terjangkau.